/// Weimar /// Mai - September 2010 /// Esther Blodau-Konick, Theresa Dietl und Hjördis Hoffmann in Kooperation mit Petra Johnson (KIOSK/Xiaomaibu)
Im Sommer 2010 wurde der WorldKioskWeimar (wkw) geöffnet und mit anderen Kiosken als Teil des Projektes Kiosk/Xiaomaibu in Shaghai und Köln vernetzt. Künstlerinnen und Künstler fungierten als Mediatoren, die durch ihre Aktionen Einwohnern Anreize boten, sich mit der chinesischen Kultur auseinander zu setzen. Dabei lag der Fokus auf dem Austausch der Alltagskultur, für welche Kioske Symbole sind. Zahlreiche partizipative Kunstaktionen fanden am Kiosk statt: LiveLinks (per Skype), „die große Tauschaktionen“, „Read Me“ des chinesischen Künstlerduos Lam&Jam, „Ampel Movement“ der Gruppe PerformanceRoomsArt. Ausschnitte des Projektes wurden in den Deutschen Pavillon auf der EXPO 2010 in Shanghai übertragen.
As part of the international project Kiosk/Xiamaibu, the WorldKioskWeimar (wkw) was opened and linked to other kiosks in Shaghai and Colonge in the summer of 2010. In Weimar, artists were invited to create incentives for locals to engage with the Chinese culture. Their contributions focused on aspects of the daily life, for which kiosks are a ubiquitous symbol. Numerous participatory events were hosted by the wkw: LiveLinks (per Skype), “The Big Swap”, “Read Me” a project by the Chinese artists Lam&Jam, AmpelMovement (Traffic Light Movement) by the PerformanceRoomsArt. Excerpts from the project were broadcast to the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.
WorldKioskWeimar /// Weimar, Germany /// 05. - 09.2010 /// in collaboration with Hjördis Hoffmann, Petra Johnson (KIOSK/Xiaomaibu)
AM Space Shanghai
Petra Johnson
As part of the international project Kiosk/Xiamaibu, the WorldKioskWeimar (wkw) was opened and linked to other kiosks in Shaghai and Colonge in the summer of 2010. In Weimar, artists were invited to create incentives for locals to engage with the Chinese culture. Their contributions focused on aspects of the daily life, for which kiosks are a ubiquitous symbol. Numerous participatory events were hosted by the wkw: LiveLinks (per Skype), “The Big Swap”, “Read Me” a project by the Chinese artists Lam&Jam, AmpelMovement (Traffic Light Movement) by the PerformanceRoomsArt. Excerpts from the project were broadcast to the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.
WorldKioskWeimar /// Weimar, Germany /// 05. - 09.2010 /// in collaboration with Hjördis Hoffmann, Petra Johnson (KIOSK/Xiaomaibu)
AM Space Shanghai
Petra Johnson